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B.4.4.6 Quick Write

B.4.4.6 Quick Write

Q How the Flu or Covid 19 Spreads- (Links to an external site.) The graphic above is the H1N1 virus in 2009. Hanoi, Vietnam as the starting point of the virus rather than Veracruz, Mexico, where the 2009 version most likely began. (Links to an external site.)"Every time an individual travels from one city to another carrying the disease we add a link that shows that the infection propagated along the connection," they write on their website. (Links to an external site.)Once an infected person shows up in a city, they become able to infect others. That creates a web of potential travel lines, or an "infection tree," that the disease forms as it travels. (Links to an external site.) If it is the exposure to the Flu that causes the flu to spread, how to we stop exposure and the spread. Economists are not just concerned with the spread of the disease, but also the economic damage cause by the disease. Hence, when the spread of the disease is slowed (or eradicated) then so is the economic damage. (Links to an external site.) Economic Policy to reduce or prevent the damage of an epidemic. The following graphs illustrate how positive externalities can be generated by both the production (supply) and consumption (demand) of the vaccine. Positive Externality- Demand Positive Externality- Supply Please review the following on the foundations of externalities. • B.4.2.2 Advanced Explanation -Rival and Excludable Goods • B.4.2.3 Advanced Explanation-Externalities After reviewing the graphic, article and video, respond to the following. QuickWrite Question: 1. Are Flu and Covid vaccinations for the individual or society? (explain) 2. Why do economists advocate for government support (incentives-both supply and demand) for these vaccines? 3. Analysis- Using one of the graphs above, create or cite an example of a government program to incentivize the production or consumption of the vaccine. 4. Free Rider- Briefly explain how individual who DO NOT get the vaccine also benefit from these programs. Assignment Requirements: This is not an analytical paper, but a summary analysis of your knowledge of the concepts in this chapter. Students ARE NOT to cut and paste from the internet. You are welcome to add cited sources to your response. The response should be about 300 words (one page). Students posting less than a 300 word response will get reduced or no credit. Students may want to construct this response on a Google Doc and then post or submit the item to this portal. These responses are run against public sources via (running inside Canvas) Submitting an Assignment via Google.Doc. - You can also just paste the text into the box (Links to an external site.) PreviousNext

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• The vaccination for flu and Covid is not only for individuals; it will help society. These vaccines have a positive externality. It means that the act of taking vaccination an individual will also give benefit to society. Because when a person is vaccinated, he will not get flu and covid. When he does not get it, he will save society; if he gets it, there are chances that flu and covid will spread and affect society. • Vaccination is a benefit for the whole society. Every citizen of the country must be fully vaccinated. For this, Government support is necessary.